Obtaining a crypto license in the UK is an important step for anyone who wants to engage in the cryptocurrency business. The license not only gives the business legitimacy, but also helps to gain the trust of customers and partners.

Basic requirements

First of all, you need to understand that the crypto business in the UK is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This means that all companies dealing with cryptocurrencies must meet strict requirements:

  1. Registration with the FCA: Every company must be registered with the FCA. This is a mandatory step that confirms that your company operates within the law and complies with all necessary regulations.
  2. Anti-washing measures (AML): All companies must have effective anti-money laundering measures in place. This includes checking customers, monitoring transactions, and reporting suspicious activity. The company must have a qualified employee responsible for meeting these requirements.
  3. Capital requirements: It is important to have sufficient capital to ensure the financial stability of the company. The exact amounts depend on the type of activity of the company, but in any case they should be sufficient to cover all possible risks.
  4. Transparency and accountability: The Company must regularly submit reports to the FCA. This includes financial statements, transaction reports, and other important data. All reports must be accurate and timely.

Steps to obtain a license

Obtaining a crypto license in the UK involves several key steps:

  1. Preparation of documents: It is necessary to collect all the necessary documents. This includes the company’s founding documents, financial statements, management information and other important papers.
  2. Application: After preparing all the documents, you must apply to the FCA. The application must be filled out correctly and completely, otherwise the process may be delayed.
  3. Verification and approval: After submitting the application, the FCA will verify all submitted data. This may take several months, so it is important to be prepared for possible delays. If all the requirements are met, the company will receive a UK crypto license.

Important points

There are several key points to consider when obtaining a crypto license in the UK:

  1. Compliance with the law: It is important not only to obtain a license, but also to constantly comply with all legal requirements and norms. This will help to avoid problems and keep the license in the long run.
  2. Updating knowledge: Legislation in the field of cryptocurrencies is constantly changing. It is important to monitor all changes and promptly make the necessary adjustments to the company’s activities.
  3. Professional assistance: Obtaining a crypto license is a complex process that requires special knowledge and experience. Therefore, many companies seek the help of professional consultants who help prepare all the documents and go through the registration procedure.


Obtaining a crypto license in the UK is an important step for any cryptocurrency business. Compliance with all requirements and going through all the steps of the process ensures that your company will operate legally and efficiently. This will help to gain the trust of customers and partners, as well as ensure sustainable business development.